A number of scientific papers have been produced and made available via journals and conferences proceedings.


M. Assante, L. Candela, D. Castelli, R. Cirillo, G. Coro, L. Frosini, L. Lelii, F. Mangiacrapa, V. Marioli, P. Pagano, G. Panichi, C. Perciante, F. Sinibaldi, The gCube system: Delivering Virtual Research Environments as-a-Service, In: Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2018.10.035


Candela L., Pagano P. Cross-disciplinary data sharing and reuse via gCube. In: ERCIM News, Issue 100, January 2015 http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en100/special/cross-disciplinary-data-sharing-and-reuse-via-gcube

Assante M., Candela L., Manghi P., Pagano P., Castelli D. Providing research infrastructures with data publishing. In: ERCIM News, Issue 100, January 2015 http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en100/special/providing-research-infrastructures-with-data-publishing


L. Candela, D. Castelli, G. Coro, L. Lelii, F. Mangiacrapa, V. Marioli, P. Pagano (2014) An Infrastructure-oriented Approach for supporting Biodiversity ResearchEcological Informatics, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2014.07.006

Assante M., Candela L., Castelli D., Pagano P. The D4Science Research-Oriented Social Networking Facilities. In: ERCIM News, Issue 96, January 2014 http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en96/ri/the-d4science-research-oriented-social-networking-facilities


Assante, M.; Candela, L.; Pagano, P. An Environment Supporting the Production of Live Research Objects. The Grey Journal, 2013, 9

Candela, L.; Coro, G.; Pagano, P. Supporting Tabular Data Characterization in a Large Scale Data Infrastructure by Lexical Matching. In Agosti, M.; Esposito, F.; Ferilli, S. & Ferro, N. (ed.) Techniques Digital Libraries and Archives, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, 354, 21-32 DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-35834-0_5

Candela, L.; Castelli, D.; Coro, G.; Pagano, P.; Sinibaldi, F. Species distribution modeling in the cloud. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2013 DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3030


Candela L., Castelli D., Pagano P. Managing Big Data through Hybrid Data Infrastructures. In: ERCIM News, Issue 89, April 2012 http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en89/special/managing-big-data-through-hybrid-data-infrastructures


Assante, M.; Pagano, P.; Candela, L.; De Faveri, F., Lelii, L. An Approach to Virtual Research Environment User Interfaces Dynamic Construction. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2011), 2011 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24469-8_12

Candela, L. & Pagano, P. The D4Science Approach toward Grid Resource Sharing: The Species Occurrence Maps Generation Case. In: Lin, S. C. & Yen, E. (ed.) Data Driven e-Science - Use Cases and Successful Applications of Distributed Computing Infrastructures (ISGC 2010), Springer, 2011, 225-238 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-8014-4_18


Blanke, T.; Candela, L.; Hedges, M.; Priddy, M. & Simeoni, F. Deploying general-purpose virtual research environments for humanities research. In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2010, 368, 3813-3828 doi: 10.1098/rsta.2010.0167

Candela L., Kakaletris G., Pagano P., Papanikos G., Simeoni F. The gCube interoperability framework. In: 2nd DL.org Workshop - Making Digital Libraries Interoperable (Glasgow, Scotland, 9-10 September 2010). Proceedings, pp. 35 - 42. Donatella Castelli, Yannis Ioannidis, Seamus Ross (eds.). DL.org, 2010. 

Candela L., Castelli D., Pagano P. Making virtual research environments in the cloud a reality: the gCube approach. In: ERCIM News, Vol. 83 pp. 32 - 33. Special issue: Cloud Computing Platforms, Software, and Applications. Ercim, 2010. http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en83/special/making-virtual-research-environments-in-the-cloud-a-reality-the-gcube-approach


Candela, L.; Castelli, D., Pagano, P. On-demand Virtual Research Environments and the Changing Roles of Librarians. In Library Hi Tech, 2009, 27, 239-251 DOI: 10.1108/07378830910968191

Pagano, P.; Simeoni, F.; Simi, M.; Candela, L. Taming development complexity in service-oriented e-Infrastructures: the gCore application framework and distribution for gCube. In Zero-In e-Infrastructure News Magazine, EU FP7 Funded Project BELIEF-II, 2009, 1, 19 - 21

Simeoni F.; Candela L., Lievens D., Pagano P., Simi M. Functional adaptivity for digital library services in e-infrastructures: the gCube approach. In: ECDL 2009 - Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. 13th European Conference (Corfu, Greece, 27 September - October 2 2009). Proceedings, pp. 51 - 62. Agosti M., Borbinha J., Kapidakis S., Papatheodorou C., Tsakonas G (eds.). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5714). Springer Verlag, 2009. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04346-8_7

Tsangaris M., Kakaletris, G.; Kllapi, H.; Papanikos, G.; Pentaris, F.; Polydoras, P.; Sitaridi, E.; Stoumpos, V.; Ioannidis, Y. Dataflow Processing and Optimization on Grid and Cloud Infrastructures. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 32(1): 67-74 (2009). http://sites.computer.org/debull/A09mar/tsangaris.pdf


Assante, M.; Candela, L.; Castelli, D.; Frosini, L.; Lelii, L.; Manghi, P.; Manzi, A.; Pagano, P.; Simi, M. An Extensible Virtual Digital Libraries Generator In: Christensen-Dalsgaard, B.; Castelli, D.; Jurik, B. A. & Lippincott, J. (ed.) 12th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2008, Aarhus, Denmark, September 14-19, Springer, 2008, 5173, 122-134 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-87599-4_14

Candela L., Castelli D., Pagano P. gCube: a service-oriented application framework on the grid. In: ERCIM News, vol. 72 pp. 48 - 48. ERCIM, 2008. http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en72/rd/gcube-a-service-oriented-application-framework-on-the-grid